A network protocol is a set of rules and standards that define how devices on a network should communicate with each other. Network protocols govern everything from the type of cable that is used to connect devices to the way in which data is transmitted between them.
There are many different types of network protocols, each of which serves a specific purpose. Some common examples include:
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): This is a connection-oriented protocol that is responsible for breaking up data into packets, transmitting the packets over the network, and reassembling the packets at the destination. TCP is a reliable protocol that ensures that all packets are delivered to their destination.
IP (Internet Protocol): This is a connectionless protocol that is responsible for routing packets between devices on a network. IP is an unreliable protocol that does not guarantee that packets will be delivered to their destination.
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): This is a protocol that is used to transmit data over the World Wide Web. It is the foundation of the modern web and is used to send and receive HTML pages.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol): This is a protocol that is used to transfer files between devices on a network. FTP allows users to transfer files between their own device and another device, or to download files from a server.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): This is a protocol that is used to transmit email messages between servers. SMTP is responsible for sending, receiving, and routing email messages.
There are many other network protocols in addition to these, each of which serves a specific purpose in the operation of a network.
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